Eat Well and Work Out

Hints, tips, pointers and musings aimed at helping you enhance your life!

Compress, release and breathe...

Published: Thu, 05/09/19

Hi Ever tried to remove a fence post, tent peg, stake from the ground or a nail from a piece of wood? Do you try to yank it straight out?Maybe at…

CALL TO ACTION! Update YOUR software..

Published: Wed, 05/08/19

Hi We all have a smartphone these days.As we know an update is often pushed out for bug fi es, complete software changes or small tweaks. So, with…

Reconnect with your true environment..

Published: Tue, 05/07/19

Hi 'Evolution is playing a game of catch up right now.If we are Inactive, our body interprets that as a sign that something is wrong (such as we are…

When is your tipping point?

Published: Mon, 05/06/19

Hi There are a couple of pandemics sweeping across the land...The dreaded ' I shoulds': I should e ercise moreI should eat betterI should try...And…

Make what is different now...

Published: Sun, 05/05/19

Hi ....the normal later!Another way of looking at habit changes is to positioning everything that seems different, challenging, new and e citing as…

A message from the future..

Published: Sat, 05/04/19

Hi I've written about 'Future James' before.He's the guy that pays off that impulse purchase, e ercises off the Xmas e cess and rehabs the chronic…

The elephant in the room..

Published: Thu, 05/02/19

Hi A wonderful analogy I heard a few years in a lecture by the psychologist Jonathon Haidt was the comparison between our brains and a man riding an…

Get a Grip!

Published: Wed, 05/01/19

Hi Grip strength has been linked to longevity in many studies.Populations who carry stuff a lot live longer.People get strong grip by carrying heavy…

The most powerful part of your anatomy is...

Published: Tue, 04/30/19

Hi open mind! I heard Martin Rooney in an interview again today and had to share this really popular email again.Fits nicely with a New Year…

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