CALL TO ACTION! Update YOUR software..

Published: Wed, 05/08/19


We all have a smartphone these days.

As we know an update is often pushed out for bug fixes, complete software changes or small tweaks.

 So, with that in mind...

How often do we update OUR software?

This time of year is a perfect time to reflect on last years successes, re-address where we could improve and, as is our innate drive, evolve as a person.

However, imagine what we could achieve if we could add a plug in 'update' that added all the current science, thinking and development that is out there so we could then hit 2017 the best we can?

What stops us doing this?

It is an interesting paradox I see in the many new trainees and clients that we see in the next few months that often people want to make the big health changes YET don't want to update their software totally.

  • We all know that adding more vegetables will enhance our health tremendous, yet a green smoothie is WAY too much effort for breakfast!

  • We all know that a 20 min walk every eve gets every cell in our body moving, lowers blood sugar levels, reduces stress and aids with fat loss and fitness gains yet that soap opera REALLY must be watched every eve!

  • We all know that stretching, mobility work, constant movement will take the mileage out of our body, however we are just 'too tired' some days to do it every day.
Every person is different and has differing priorities of course, however, it is our right AND duty to be as healthy as we can be..right up to our encore.

The human body, YOUR human body is beautifully adaptive and will respond to changes in your behaviour that until you get there are impossible to imagine

What is often overlooked however is that our MINDS are just as adaptive and we absolutely can change our behaviour, mood, outlook and character just by UPDATING the way we think.

The mind is a garden, be careful what you plant in it!

So, my call to action to you is to take a deep breath every time you hear yourself say or think:

  • I should...
  • I cannot...
  • I maybe could...
  • I'm not sure that I...
  • I'm past that...
  • I'm just getting old..

I think you get the picture!

And, update, correct or 'bug fix' what you WERE going to do and do the positive opposite.

When someone suggests a crazy health tweak that works for them...don't!

We know all the best nutrition protocols, weight training programs etc that can get ANYONE fit and strong so why are we not moving forward as a nation?

It is behaviours and habits that, if moved positively will make a giant change, or if left unchallenged on an individual level will destroy us.

Hit reply and let me know how you get on!

version 2.018 is waiting...


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'