Compress, release and breathe...

Published: Thu, 05/09/19


Ever tried to remove a fence post, tent peg, stake from the ground or a nail from a piece of wood?

Do you try to yank it straight out?

Maybe at first and then we give it a wiggle, correct? The tighter it is held in there the more wiggling is needed.

The longer it has been in place the more effort is needed. Apply this to how long you may have had a stiff joint/ tight muscle. They will need more TLC and wiggling just the same.

With regards to mobility or flexibility in the joint of your body this is a good way to think about making an improvement.

Taking all joints carefully to their full range of motion at as many angles as you can EVERY DAY has this effect.

Each little gentle compression and stretch of the muscles adds a little extra mobility each day.

Hold any stretch for 3 or 4 deep breaths and feel the stretch move deeper. 

The true results lie in the frequency you do this. You could try setting an alarm to move something every 15 min on your phone?

Of course this will be intrusive, however persevere long enough and you will 1) notice how much better you feel, 2) create the habit and 3) reconnect to your body.

Fitness really does start with mobility.

'Move well, and then move often'

Gray Cook (one of the best Physical Therapists on the planet!)


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'