Are we a caged human ape?
Published: Tue, 01/08/19
Hi Have you ever brought a new 'caged' pet?Lizard?Bird?Hamster?Fish? You wouldn't leave a fish bowl like the one above would you? You would get rocks,…
Hints, tips, pointers and musings aimed at helping you enhance your life!
Published: Tue, 01/08/19
Hi Have you ever brought a new 'caged' pet?Lizard?Bird?Hamster?Fish? You wouldn't leave a fish bowl like the one above would you? You would get rocks,…
Published: Mon, 01/07/19
Hi With three jobs, two kids and a for us is a whirlwind of diary entries, lifts to/ from places, phone calls, lost keys and then the…
Published: Sun, 01/06/19
Hi To shout at you until you get fit?To be a cheerleader?To count reps ? Nope...our REAL job is to take the mileage OUT of your body!Once our cars…
Published: Sat, 01/05/19
Hi Habit and behaviour change is really hard and takes time and energy.However, I'd argue that investing the time and energy to reduce or quit a bad…
Published: Fri, 01/04/19
Hi 'Focus on your posture at all times..your body follows your mind'We are not symetrical by nature, however learning how to keep our bodies in the…
Published: Thu, 01/03/19
Hi I hear this often when out and about in general conversation when I say what we do:I will join the gym when I know I can....use the machinesrun a…
Published: Wed, 01/02/19
Hi Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response.In our response lies our growth and our…
Published: Tue, 01/01/19
Hi Wow, we've made it into another year! New beginnings, building on the successes of last year! I won't go on about resolutions and suchlike as you…
Published: Mon, 12/31/18
Hi ....if your THINKING is healthy. This quote from the amazing Byron Katie is a catalyst to true behaviour change. In every situation (not just for…
Published: Sun, 12/30/18
Hi a gym!If you look at this with confusion and nervousness, having never been near one before...then remember it is the same feeling that…