Eat Well and Work Out

Hints, tips, pointers and musings aimed at helping you enhance your life!

Are we a caged human ape?

Published: Tue, 01/08/19

Hi Have you ever brought a new 'caged' pet?Lizard?Bird?Hamster?Fish? You wouldn't leave a fish bowl like the one above would you? You would get rocks,…

Less = more time for the fun stuff!

Published: Mon, 01/07/19

Hi With three jobs, two kids and a for us is a whirlwind of diary entries, lifts to/ from places, phone calls, lost keys and then the…

So....what is a Personal Trainers job?

Published: Sun, 01/06/19

Hi To shout at you until you get fit?To be a cheerleader?To count reps ? Nope...our REAL job is to take the mileage OUT of your body!Once our cars…

What is good posture anyway....?

Published: Fri, 01/04/19

Hi 'Focus on your posture at all times..your body follows your mind'We are not symetrical by nature, however learning how to keep our bodies in the…

The place where we can make a difference..

Published: Wed, 01/02/19

Hi Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response.In our response lies our growth and our…

Happy New Year!

Published: Tue, 01/01/19

Hi Wow, we've made it into another year! New beginnings, building on the successes of last year! I won't go on about resolutions and suchlike as you…

Your body will never be a 'problem'....

Published: Mon, 12/31/18

Hi ....if your THINKING is healthy. This quote from the amazing Byron Katie is a catalyst to true behaviour change. In every situation (not just for…

Keep calm and just get through the door!

Published: Sun, 12/30/18

Hi a gym!If you look at this with confusion and nervousness, having never been near one before...then remember it is the same feeling that…

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