We need lots of energy to change...no wonder it is hard!

Published: Sat, 01/05/19


Habit and behaviour change is really hard and takes time and energy.

However, I'd argue that investing the time and energy to reduce or quit a bad habit or to start up a good habit is probably the best investment you could EVER make.

EVERY ounce of energy you put into exercise, nutrition and your mind you get a positive improvement from

EVERY ounce

Ever hear of that return of investment in anything else?

We have all seen one of these take off..
The ENERGY used to get a shuttle away from our atmosphere uses the same amount of ENERGY as it uses to travel the next 500,000 or so miles

(source: Stephen Covey)

The pull of the earth's gravitational force, which needs to be escaped from is as powerful as a well formed habit or behaviour, good or bad.

In our practice we focus on the small habits, one at a time.

However we only call them small to make them feel manageable (pesky fitness tricksters!)

Each step, habit changed, habit broken is HARD work and takes a lot of ENERGY:

Sometimes when I consider what tremendous consequences come from little things, I am tempted to think there are no little things.

Bruce Barton

Small things, especially in the context of habit changes, are HUGE things.

Think back to the space shuttle, to change a habit we need to bear in mind that the ENERGY to initially change/ break/ start a habit is the same level as the shuttle escaping from the atmosphere.

Once free of the initial 'pull' of the habit or the resistance to change we then can set the 'autopilot' (if a shuttle has one of these of course?) with only a little course correction from the thrusters (willpower, motivation) to get us back on track....see below link for email on this and more pictures of space shuttles: 

This is where the '21 days to change a behaviour' comes in (personally I think this is a bit off....as a real change happens the moment you make real decision to do it!)

The next time you are in the throws of the internal battle where it all seems too much to quit/ start/ just get out of bed....remember that it WILL get easier once you are out of the your own gravitational pull

Deliberate practice of thinking right, adding a habit, then repeating that it will make it part of you.

Start small (read:HUGE) and try it for yourself...

James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'