Keep your standards high
Published: Fri, 04/19/19
Hi As my my clients would tell you, I am an absolute stickler for perfect form for lifting weights and even right down to the mobility warm up. Now,…
Hints, tips, pointers and musings aimed at helping you enhance your life!
Published: Fri, 04/19/19
Hi As my my clients would tell you, I am an absolute stickler for perfect form for lifting weights and even right down to the mobility warm up. Now,…
Published: Thu, 04/18/19
Hi Habit and behaviour change is really hard and takes time and energy.However, I'd argue that investing the time and energy to reduce or quit a bad…
Published: Wed, 04/17/19
Hi I often get asked how I fill my head with so much fitness knowledge and how I remember it. My answer is always the same:1) I have a 'beginners'…
Published: Tue, 04/16/19
Hi Einstein's brain is currently held in a jar somewhere in The USA.Many studies have been done to see if there is any differences from the rest of…
Published: Mon, 04/15/19
Hi Ask anyone who has had a lot of successful ideas how many bad ideas they have had and try will probably tell you that there were lots of themAsk…
Published: Sun, 04/14/19
Hi This is a really poignant phrase in the health and fitness industry.On the surface it is has an obvious meaning that you can't cure all ills with a…
Published: Sat, 04/13/19
Hi How many times have you heard someone say they are a great 'multi-tasker'?I personally think it is totally the opposite of being productive. I used…
Published: Fri, 04/12/19
Hi ...and I'm trying to use it!I allowed myself to get completely out of shape, rely on alcohol and food to sedate my feelings of low self esteem and…
Published: Thu, 04/11/19
Hi 7 years ago Alwyn Cosgrove created the Hierarchy Of Fat Loss: Grasping the concept of this was one of the main contributing factors to my own…
Published: Wed, 04/10/19
Hi Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response.In our response lies our growth and our…