Weight loss plateaus, a quick Q&A...
Published: Sun, 06/09/19
Hi Following on from my email in weight loss plateaus yesterday I've put together a quick couple of issues and suggested solutions that will hopefully…
Hints, tips, pointers and musings aimed at helping you enhance your life!
Published: Sun, 06/09/19
Hi Following on from my email in weight loss plateaus yesterday I've put together a quick couple of issues and suggested solutions that will hopefully…
Published: Sat, 06/08/19
Hi Thought I would put something out there on breaking through fat loss plateaus as I am seeing a lot of this coming through the clinic. Keep on top…
Published: Fri, 06/07/19
Hello Non E ercise Activity Thermogenesis is pretty much how it sounds (well...sort of). Any moving you do that isn't planned or structured e ercise.
Published: Thu, 06/06/19
Hi This quote from Martin Rooney sums up a regular conversation that I have with clients.I share with them that on my own fitness journey....read it…
Published: Wed, 06/05/19
Hi Whilst creating our Vitality course I put together a list of tips that can be used as a starter to make some effective interventions.This can seem…
Published: Tue, 06/04/19
Hi Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response.In our response lies our growth and our…
Published: Mon, 06/03/19
Hi 'Focus on your posture at all times..your body follows your mind'We are not symetrical by nature, however learning how to keep our bodies in the…
Published: Sun, 06/02/19
Hi If you only wanted to do one e ercise for the rest of your life and nothing else, it is the Deadlift you should do.. The deadlift is a lift when…
Published: Sat, 06/01/19
Hi Below is the first email we send out when a new person signs up. It has only recently been added so wanted to share it with you all...tells you a…
Published: Thu, 05/30/19
Hi Fast forward 20 years and where will you be? When I ask that question do you think along the lines of career, where you live or maybe the car you…