Pain anywhere?

Published: Mon, 03/04/19


'Pain is an alarm that REQUIRES a responsible action'

This is probably the most important piece of advice I can give with regards to your health.

ANY pain should never be masked.

This can be in the form of a painkiller, sticking plaster or simply ignoring it.

I would go so far as that weekly massage or practitioner visit to 'get us back on track'  without a plan to get to the root of the problem is the same.

Expert help is vital, and part of taking those steps needed to get better, however what is needed is taking responsibility in following any protocol, exercises or mobility work for the required frequency consistently.

'no pain, no gain' is absolutely wrong if it's the wrong type of pain.

Just accepting that slight ache is part of 'getting old' and letting it stop us PERFORMING as well as we can is a story I see repeated often.
I stopped running myself for a while because my back hurt when I did. Until I found out what was wrong and went full speed into fixIng it with expert help.

To this day I still do the exercises, as I realised how inflexible my upper back and shoulder were. Ridding my body of pain levelled up my energy levels too!

A body in pain KNOWS something is wrong and it is telling us it needs help and attention

Our nervous system is infinitely more intelligent than us, so to think we can fix everything with a pill, plaster or brace is naive.

A body in pain is moving inefficiently, balanced incorrectly or lacking strength in muscles needed to keep moving well

It can be a long process of trial and error to discover what is really wrong and come up with a protocol to fix.

OR, it could just be a quick foam roll or stretch that you can do everyday that will perform a miracle.

You don't know until you try!

No one has all the answers, and it always depends on many variables, yet there are some incredible experts out there who's 'best guess' could be the answer you are looking for.

Go find them!


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'