Personal Trainers are human too (albeit a bit odd!)

Published: Mon, 02/18/19


I have had this response a few times when in initial consult with a new client when I'm asking about the limiting factors they have in the way of their fitness:

'time, responsibilities and life's curveballs get in the the heck do you find time to keep fit and healthy?!'

I have even had:

'you work in a gym so it's easy for you!'

One of my passions is health and fitness and I love training so of course I do have a deep well of motivation.

However, I am also a human being so have to work really hard at it too sometimes!

  • after 4 clients on a row, the last thing we want to do is get under the bar ourselves
  • We start work at 6:00am 7 days a the time we hit the evening we are rarely then out running etc!
  • Personal Training is physical work and when coupled with training often niggly injuries occur and hold us back
  • Nutrition really suffers as it's often a quick snack between clients or something in the car
  • We often work evenings
  • We work most weekends
  • We do our own admin and accounts
  • We have to read between two and four books a month..or we rapidly get left behind
  • We have try to not get mad and demotivated with all the fake, quick fix, false gimmicks promising the world and devaluing our industry

It is enough the make me hang up my trainers!

The people who sell us the PT training courses don't tell us this for some reason either....very strange!

If you follow any PT's or fitpros on social media, as with everyone I suppose, you only really get the highlight reel.

Of course someone who has their FB page linked to their business will not want to show the skeletons in the closet or the struggles they have too much. I disagree TBH.

Not showing we are human, and have to often draaaaaaaag ourselves into the gym despite knowing all the benefits, being adept at all the tricks and know how to use most of all the kit in the gym is dishonest.

I am on a journey WITH my clients and definitely don't know all the answers

What keeps me going is seeing people make the changes and realising they have done it too!

Most of the material we put out in these emails is a mixture of things we have learnt over the last decade...and a good chunk of what we have JUST learnt.

It is ALL a best guess...even for the top level professionals.

In my humble opinion the [perceived!] GAP between the fitness professionals and those that we are trying desperately to help is the problem.

Add this to the efforts of the media to make us feel inadequate with all those photo-shopped images and hot pant wearing buff chaps and ladies then its enough to make me reach for the cheesecake!

What we should focus on and ignore everything else:
  • YOUR body is amazing, the shape it is, is the shape it are NOT out of shape!
  • YOU deserve to be healthy, in fact it is your duty for those that need you!
  • YOUR body and mind will resist change, don't add to the stress by feeling anything but complete AWE at your mind, body and spirit. Nurture the process
  • it is REALLY hard work, whatever your level
  • it is NEVER too late to make a change
  • there is no 'GAP' between any of us that want to get healthy, find the right people and it will be easy
Little by little add those small tweaks to your lifestyle that WILL add up to a big change.

It is a slow process, just please don't think it isn't happening for absolutely is!

James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'