Opps! I've put on a bit of fat mass...and it doesn't bother me at all!

Published: Sun, 01/27/19


Shock, horror, a PT admitting this!

Especially one that lost 5 stone 10 years or so ago...so should be terrified of going back 'there'

^^^^this is me just before I turned 30. Those of you that know me in person will hopefully see a difference, for those of you that don't I may still look like this...who knows? :-D

  • Does it bother me? NO
  • Am I feeling lazy and angry with myself? NO
  • Am I a bad person...or even worse a fitness 'fraud'? Hell NO!

Being upset in any way is a waste of my time, energy and my life!

As I've said before, it is all about how you frame it in your mind. Feeding my subconscious with self doubt and shaming may work for a bit to kick me into touch through guilt...but it won't enhance my life in any way long term. Yes, this does take work every day.

Remember our vitality compass? (See email archive below if not)

Since the beginning of 2015 (and turning 40!) I've shifted my focus, time and energy towards the bottom right hand corner.

Driving our business forward to scale towards our goal of reaching more people (these emails being part of this) and working on my 'mindset' have been my target. This has the effect of moving my work capacity away from my physical 'work' capacity (otherwise known as kicking my ass in the gym/ outside)

I could tell myself I've fallen off the wagon and it is all my fault..to be honest a few years ago that is absolutely what I would have done.

How I position it now is that the 'wagon' is ALWAYS parked up next to me to climb back on and get going.
The 'oh well I've blown it now...might as well go back to where I was' must be stamped out.

I'm back on it already. I've sent my subscription to enter UK Ninja Warrior...oops!

However long any break period/ bad a wagon fall has been...please remember that:
  • It is only muscle mass, and cardio fitness you will lose and add some fat. What you, your mind and your body have learnt to wherever you are in your health journey will be there waiting to pick up the reins again i.e. form to lift weights, mental grit to get through an HIIT set etc
  • focus on how you feel and tweak nutrition and activity bit by bit and REALLY notice the differences
  • become self aware and put on the breaks when you catch yourself doubting, shaming or blaming yourself. Your subconscious is always listening, don't make your default thought pattern a negative one
  • it will take hard work...REALLY hard work, however what you get out of it will come back to you twofold.
  • with consistent hard work you WILL reach where you want to be.. in fact you will surpass
Just remember that all those people you see walking around super fit and vibrant are just further along their fitness journey than you. They had to start somewhere and I guarantee they have the same doubts and concerns we all have! I've spent years hanging out in gyms and often the hardest working are actually those closer to the start of their journey with the strongest resolve...especially if they have their WHY!

Kids, work, illness etc are all parts of life so keep your priorities aimed at your health as best you can and remember if something grabs your attention and needs your energy you really can't do it all.

The stronger and fitter we get the easier it also becomes to maintain.
Beginning or restarting a journey is the hardest part of all.
Once over the top of this hurdle it is just then a case of remaining consistent and showing up to do the work!

Stay grounded,


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741
For past emails: 

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'