Could this mindset shift be just what you need?

Published: Sat, 04/16/16


'It's not about what you GET, it is what you BECOME'

I've written before about how it's really important to enjoy every step of your health journey.

As long as you are not going backwards or staying still you are making progress! 

Often we start off focusing on what we want to GET from a fitness venture. Shifting your focus onto who you want to BECOME can crystallise your thoughts and actions better as it frames it as a process....not a mere 'want'.

Tiny steps with mindset, mobility, strength or energy are easier to spot and more frequent than just focusing on bigger biceps or less wobbly bits that you want to get.

Take time to REALLY think about who you want to become and try to begin to think, act and move like that person. Write it down and read it often.

You possess the most advanced piece of 'software' in the known universe right between your ears......

.......and it will respond to positive affirmations deep within your subconscious. 

Your body will follow suit.

Become version 2.0 as soon as you close this email.

It really is that easy to change it begins with how you think...


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

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