Luck is found when...

Published: Sat, 04/09/16


....preparation meets opportunity


I'm often amazed by how much wisdom is in the literature from thousands of years ago.

Seneca was one of the Stoics, philosophers that included Marcus Aurelius.

So, even way back then they had worked out that being prepared to meet an opportunity headlong meant no 'lucky break' was missed.

I've covered preparation with regards to nutrition and exercise before:

So, being prepared, with good energy reserves and the right mind set means we are ready to be 'lucky' when fate smiles on us.

With New Year approaching fast, all those marketing machines will be whirring into action (ours is!) to be prepared to help you and I when we go after that resolution to improve ourselves.

Jan the 1st comes round and we get started. 

A run outside on New Years day, signing up to the gym, starting a 'diet', hiring a crazy PT...all on top of returning to work to catch up on everything that you didn't get done before Xmas and all those 'work streams'  for 2016 that are starting up..

Sounds exhausting, because it is!

Are you PREPARED for all this?

Having a picture to motivate you by your bed to get you up that little bit early to go for a walk, to simply just getting enough kit for the gym purchased so the excuse of 'no clean kit' can't hold you back is imperative to help you get active.

Having allowances in your schedule to make sure you have time for all this.

Being mentally ready to tackle all the excuses to not get out and about is sometimes harder that the exercise itself!

We need to flex these 'mental muscles' just as we train our bodies muscles

Above all, just be ready to put  in the work, although being really careful not to pile too much pressure...realise that it is a slow process that builds strong foundations.

Watch a house being built, a vast % of the build time is on the ground works that we don't see in the finished article.

Be prepared, as the scouts say,


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'