A balanced 'diet' of movement anyone?

Published: Fri, 03/25/16


We all know how important a balanced diet is...
 Having a varied and balanced range of physical activity and movement is just as important...in fact some would say more so...

A good week would include:

  • 2 or 3 x strength training sessions
  • 15 to 20 miles of walking spread across the week
  • mobilisation and stretching every day
  • move every 45 minutes
  • 3 x high intensity sessions such as sprints on the bike or feet
  • 2 long steady distance runs, cycles, swims etc
  • 2 x core or torso training sessions, yoga or pilates
This is a really big investment in your precious time I know, however remembering yesterday's email on how our bodies adapt and respond to the effort we put in, it is well worth the investment for the dividends we receive in our health.

Take some time each day to think through what you can tick off from the above list, or your own, for that day and how it adds into the other things you have done this week.

Think of movement as being just as important as food, become hungry for more variety.

I've been overweight, slow, sluggish and with very low self esteem at one point in my life and the main thing that dragged me out of it was a constant hunger to just do something every day.

Consistency creates habits, habits create behaviour, behaviour creates a lifestyle

This works both ways, good AND bad.

Get hungry for movement and mobility!


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'