Dare you try this at home!

Published: Wed, 03/23/16


Cold Thermogenesis is scientific term for 'freezing your a$$ off for a bit'

There is a mountain of emerging research providing positive evidence that our bodies respond really well to some cold exposure, and even being a little bit more cold generally.

Ever wondered why you can feel a bit sluggish and foggy when you go to someone's house who has their heating up higher than you do?

Could there be a causation between the fact the more people get ill in winter and the fact that we ramp up the heating systems wherever we go?


Getting comfortable with being cold can illicit the following benefits:

  • Lower body fat
  • Increase and balance hormone levels
  • Improving sexual performance and fertility
  • Lower blood sugar
  • Cutting food cravings
  • Improving adrenal function
  • decrease thyroid issues
  • Enhancing immune function and strength
  • Improve sleep quality
  • Increasing pain tolerance
  • Reducing inflammation
Source: Ben Greenfield Fitness

So, how can we do this?

  • Cold showers: progress these by having your usual hot shower to wash then add a 10-30 second 'blast' of cold water at the end. If this if too much you could start with just on the legs as this is less...err...intense! Also a good time to try is on a hot day or after intense exercise (this is good as you will feel the benefit as you are supposed to).
  • Shiver walks: Go for a walk with one less layer of clothing than you usually would.
  • Turn that heating down: You will be surprised how little you notice a reduction over time, the earth and your wallet will benefit too
  • Keep your room cooler at night: we sleep much better in a cooler room. As above shift to this gradually by tweaking heating, less clothing or keeping a window open
Obviously this is a supplement to good nutrition, regular exercise. However it does add an extra bit of caring for yourself that you can easily implement...albeit uncomfortable to begin with of course!

(Want to know more, look up the work of Ray Cronise or Jack Kruse...or Wim Hof, this dude is incredible!)

Chill Out!


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'