The Elixir of Youth...

Published: Mon, 02/08/16


...unfortunately doesn't exist!

It would be wonderful if there was a real elixir which when drunk would cure us of all our ills and ensure we stay young forever, wouldn't it?
We know there isn't, however why do we always seem to look for that one diet, supplement, pill, fruit, vegetable or fitness class that will be the answer to all our fitness dreams?

We have all heard tea, raspberry ketones and cabbage soup...that, secret, only just discovered (shhhh....don't tell anyone) ONE thing that will change your life...

These things can work to varying degrees, however....

It is the SUM of lots of ONE things where success lies

Lots of small habits used to improve mobility, strength, good nutrition and stamina is the REAL elixir of youth

Think of poor posture, tight knotted muscles, low energy from poor nutrition and low stamina from lack of sleep, stress and lack of recovery as RESISTANCE against 'sailing through life' getting it all done.

We waste energy when we push against things.

So does the body....we use MORE energy when we have this resistance to work through to the point that simply 'getting on with life' can leave us drained far too early in the day.

It is hard work being out of condition!

However, this hard work can be used to our can be as simple as framing it differently.

We see with most, actually correction only totally ALL, of our clients that as they spend MORE energy on mobility, strength and stamina the MORE energy our bodies make available.

Ask anyone who keeps active and they will tell you same.

As the resistance reduces it is like our bodies recycle this energy into growth, improvement and living life

Couple this focus with reducing resistance in our own heads and it is a potent cocktail!

One last point to add to this is that the HARDER someone has had to work to get through this resistance the more successful they are further down the line.

  • It is why the best coaches don't always come from the best sportsman.
  • It is why the best Manager's don't always come from the best salesmen.

Those that have had to work really hard every step of the way know how each of the steps can feel during the journey. 

As they have had to grind their way to the top they have the tools in place to get through barriers again, and help others do the same.

Next time you are dragging yourself to the gym, out for a cold winter run or a walk in the eve when that sofa beckons, remember that every action you take makes you more conditioned to find it easier next time.

Reduce the resistance across your life by working harder to overcome it.

Funny paradox huh?!

James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'