Everything in its place

Published: Sun, 01/17/16


Cleanliness, tidiness and being organised creates mental SPACE!
Anyone else found that after a holiday or break we kind of lose our routine and everything is in its wrong place?

Especially noticeable early morning when we haven't got that bag packed for work or the kids school uniform is where they hurled it on Friday.

This causes STRESS, which uses energy, which destroys mental space.

Having a tidy environment with zero clutter and everything ready means we can get on with our roles unhindered and focused.

Having systems in place at work creates space to deal with the curveballs that come our way.

With regards to health, nutrition and fitness this is the same.

Even the most motivated exerciser will create barriers when a disciplined planning procedure falls down.

Otherwise known as those STORIES in our head that tell us to not get out and do some movement, lift some weights or eat healthier.

It is what we need to bypass to make those small course corrections that will be huge differences later on in life.

None of us have much time for backtracking and repeating efforts.

Looking for things we were sure were somewhere else eat into our time, and mental space.

Discipline is the mainstay of successful CEO's, top level athletes and the military for a reason. 

The DELIBERATE PRACTICE of planning ahead and creating systems keeps us in control and ready for anything.

Listening to an interview with a top US General the other day and he was asked what his top morning ritual looks like and his answer was

'I make my bed, everyday'.

(And yes, even in the battlefield!)

This practice of starting a day with a small 'success' like this tidies the mind for the rest of the day.
Next job is completed, then the next and so on.

The best lifestyle intervention plans ALWAYS have space to 'plan, shop and prepare' when it comes to food.

Time is diarised to cut veg, prep soups, chop fruit for smoothies and set up Tupperware for the next couple of days lunches etc.

At first glance this may sound obsessive.

However, think through your day on Monday. How much easier would it be to have all your meals ready in a cool box, the office fridge or to hand to pop in the oven as soon as you walk in the door?

Now, could that time be used to go for a walk, run about with the kids or a quick workout in the gym?

The ROI is huge on this, especially when you get skilled and efficient at prepping.  

Investing time into the below things condensed into a chunk of time can free up lots of mental space..here are some ideas for starters:
  • prep lunches into a couple of tubs for the next two days. This is far quicker done all in one go than a tub a day
  • cut up veg and fruit for the week's smoothies and stick in the freezer (these always taste better cold too!)
  • pack bags and stick in the car the night before (not the valuable items obviously!)
  • gym kit all in one bag, when washed it goes straight back in..don't fall for the 'forgotten trainers' barrier!
  • batch cook dinner dishes and freeze
  • have a wash bag, change of clothes always ready in the gym bag. Getting into your civvies after a workout on the way back from work saves more time
Make a list of all the chores and tasks you do across the week on the days you do them.

  • Could you batch tasks?
  • Do you really need to do all these?
  • Could you double up on things?

Or, as in our house..can those pesky little people we live with do some tidying up for a change? :-D


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'