Step by step, rep by rep, plate by plate...

Published: Mon, 01/04/16


Build it high, brick by brick..

Blasting through the fitness and mental barriers as we start making a change is really hard.

Whatever level we are at, the principle is the same.

If I could give one thing to remember out of all of the 200+ emails I've sent, it is to just keep....pushing.....onwards.

Build good foundations...

Add on tiny habits like bricks, stack them neatly on top of each other, one at a time on a good foundation of knowledge. 

Our conscious brain lives in the moment, is rational and problem solving. However it is the subconscious that leads our behaviour. 

To make a change (as we all tend to do this time of year!) we need to change the foundations and re-arrange the bricks...when needed.

Good habits already in place should stay in place, think of it as renovating your lifestyle.

With good planning and knowledge plus a good chunk of consistency we can transform our bodies and minds:

  1. choose ONE thing to focus on a week
  2. be kind on yourself if you deviate...that's life!
  3. start a fitness journal, write down what you eat, activity and, MOST importantly, how you feel.
  4. be mindful of your mood, if wake up a bit grumpy review the previous days will quickly see a pattern on mood levels linked to food choices and activity. Done right this is dynamite!
  5. be strong minded and shrug off negative is NEVER as bad as it seems
  6. share your challenges and failures with trusted people. Community=success!
  7. be ridiculously happy with the smallest of changes, this sends a really strong message to your subconscious. WORK those success muscles!

The first step of that extra walk this evening, the first jarring step of your first attempt at a run, that extra portion of fish, that extra glass of water and that second rep of a heavy deadlift ALL push you forward.

Little increments of new habits should lead to the next.

A new book read, emailed opened, conversation with a PT can be a course correction that will have a massive impact in 5 years.

Trust the process and love the journey..nothing is more important than YOUR health so keep at it.

Step by step, rep by rep, plate by plate..



Want to be part of a 6 week email series with small missions for you to attempt, community feedback and accountability to reboot your life, one habit at a time?

Starting 11.01.16....and beyond!

If its a 'hell yes!' click on button below for more details and if you are game,  hit reply and we will add you to the list.....

James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'