Hope you had a great Christmas! For your reading pleasure, more of our most popular emails today:
I was in constant battle when I started on my health journey!
I used to have to force myself out to go for a run while I was doing my work to get myself healthy.
I would come home from work and get straight into my kit, make the monumental effort to avoid the sofa and then get out the door. I was exhausted before I even
My time window was small and my motivation was even smaller...it all hung on a knife edge day by day by day!
REALLY gradually this became easier, I messed up many times and the sofa won often, however I rolled with the punches and got straight back on the 'wagon'.
I learnt
The wagon NEVER leaves your side...if you mess up, get straight back on it
As I had quit smoking, started running and cut back on sugar all at the same time every day I got it right I got stronger and really felt the difference.
Each success was like
peeling another layer off the darkness I had fallen into. As each step was so obvious and made me feel better I wasn't going to give that up.
Sometimes it seemed like I was getting nowhere...so I took out a piece of paper and wrote down everything I HAD achieved
A strange thing happened...within a week or so the plateau 'broke' and I went down another belt hole or T Shirt size
Most quit just before they make it...I kept this as my mantra
We work hard in our jobs and get rewarded by salary and
perks. However do you get rewarded equally to what you put in?
Some relationships we put in lots of effort only to be ignored or unappreciated (or so we think anyway!)?
Working hard in the gym, doing all you can to recover from an injury, or a focus on your nutrition will get a 100% return on your