I'm ending the year a really proud PT!

Published: Wed, 12/23/15


Every single one of my clients have hit a PR on their deadlift, squat, plank or chest press in the last few weeks or so. Either that or broken through a plateau on their body comp journey.

It is beautiful to watch and I wish I had a montage of all the proud grins I've witnessed.

It would be too much of a coincidence if the planets aligned for all to the point that the elusive PR hit for everyone at the same time.

I feel it is the fact that the year is reaching a climax and that boost in effort has come from the realisation of how much they have progressed over the last 12 months.

To be on the journey with them is amazing. To watch the goals change from ' I want to lose these wobbly bits' to 'I hate to say it but that didn't seem that heavy so can we put another 20kg on the barbell please?' is a privilege.

Across the three motivational aspects of how do I LOOK, FEEL or PERFORM, moving from the focus on looks to the performance aspect is the moment a client wins the game.

Ending the year feeling how fantastic it is to push half your bodyweight over your head or pull 125% of your bodyweight off the floor is internal, totally yours and makes you feel like superman/woman.

I joke often in the gym on how the barbell can solve the worlds problems, however I'm only half joking as it really is the path to a self confidence that comes with this body strength

I'm also on a mission the get more ladies in the free weights area of every gym I walk into...come on girls these big chunks of metal are just waiting for you!
Push your body, just a little more every day.

Pick up some heavy stuff.

The results are easy to get once you fall in love with the feeling of nailing that PR!

James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'