Simple tip on what to eat that never fails me..

Published: Sat, 12/12/15


Sometimes the simplest 'rules' or methods are a great template to work off.

I'm often asked what the best nutrition plan or diet to follow and often get a response of 'is that it?!' When I give the following answer:


Follow the JERF way ;-)

No branding, no 'just discovered' methods, no research needed as such.

Real, whole food is food that is that has had nothing or nothing done to it....that which has had ONLY two or less steps of processing i.e. Carrot from ground, put in a bag or milk from a cow, churned to make butter.

There is however an important piece of work you need to do and that it educating yourself on what is real food and what is best for us..this is where the Nutritionist or Dietician comes in.

Things in packets with a long list of ingredients are manufactured to varying degrees. The more away from their natural sources the less it's possible our body recognises the components as nutritious.

We all love a little bit of these things as they are often delicious. Enjoy them for what they are yet try not to rely on them to fuel you properly.

REAL/Whole food satietes you properly with what your body needs. Proper responses occur in your body and it releases satiety hormones to stop you feeling hungry as your body recognises it had what it needs.

It's intuitive eating.

Manufactured foods often don't provide these signals, in fact it seems they are often they are designed this way so we eat more.

Life is about living so it's OK for a bit of the stuff you like to sneak in, just try to reduce to 5% of your weekly intake and the rest...JERF! 



Kim and I are thinking about putting a series of extra emails together containing actionable and useful ideas like the one above to send out weekly from the new year (6-8 weeks to start with).
The foundation basics that work, that's it!
There will be a nominal fee just to cover our hours needed to produce these.
Each email will also have a small mission for you to do and report back on how it went, this way we can then share out the following us to help you help others!

Want to be a part of building a community?

Hit reply and write 'I'm interested' we will send more detail as we get it so you can decide...

James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'