When is your tipping point?

Published: Mon, 11/02/15


There are a couple of pandemics sweeping across the land...

The dreaded ' I shoulds':
  • I should exercise more
  • I should eat better
  • I should try...
And the even worse 'I'm too..'s:
  • I'm too old
  • I'm too tired
  • I'm too injured
We took our youngest and his buddies to Gravity Force on Saturday for his 4th Birthday treat...thinking he would be a natural as this is a common sight in our lounge ^^^^

It's a room full of trampolines and bouncing kids!

We had an hour there and the little man was a bit overwhelmed as he walked in.

Being the smallest kid there it was probably a bit much so we had to go through all the repertoire to try and coax him onto the trampolines.

Finally we got somewhere after one of the stewards came to say Hi and told us there was 10 min left. Marley realised he needed to act!

We got the feet on...

Then, as soon as the 3 minute warning was given across the loud speaker he popped up and started jumping about!

This is exactly the same as making the decision to take action.

Those that love us give us hints..subtle and blatant. We know we want to have a go, yet we hesitate.

Just as Marley knew he would walk out of there being the only little boy in the room who didn't have a go we feel the pressure to take action build.

The three minute warning was the tipping point.

Our tipping point is often a health scare, ultimatum from someone (or to ourselves) or a change in circumstances.

If the 60 minutes of Gravity Force was equivalent to 60 years of life, it maybe would have taken Marley 57 years before taking action?!

What would have happened if we had set up a 3 minute fake warning at 30 minutes?

I wonder if a 'fake' intervention or scare would spur people to take action on their health?

Could the 'shoulds' be cured by a case of a '3 min warning wake up call'?

Could the 'I'm too's' be reversed by just giving it a go earlier?

Marley is still talking about how much he enjoyed his trampolines....all 180 seconds of it.

To him he succeeded in getting on...that's all he needs! Next time he will be at it.

Can you create your own tipping point and get at it today?

James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'