Pause..and apply this filter to everything you do!

Published: Wed, 10/28/15


Having a filter, a mantra or a small habit formed that interrupts you and causes you to stop, take a step back and see what you are about to do with clarity at every decision is one of the first things we should master.
 It may not even be this clear cut, it could just be a general mindset, it doesn't matter.

Becoming more aware of it and working on taking it to a automatic response through your day drives a wedge that carries on throughout your life, creating more and more impact

A great start is to use this filter at EVERY choice you come to regarding health. At every decision you come to, stop, take a deep breath and then ask yourself:

'Does this choice take me further from....or closer to my health and fitness goals'

This can be something as simple as do I check face book before leaving for work OR do I do 5min of that mobility work my PT told me to do everyday?

Or it could be more obvious such as do I have that bottle of wine or not?

It's a simple and very effective habit to get into BUT the hard points are:

  1. Knowing which is the right choice (especially apt regarding nutrition).
  2. Being honest with yourself. Are those choices made on sound judgment...or are you biased towards the wrong choice when your willpower is at a low?
We are faced with thousands of choices every day, so keeping the percentage of right choices high on a daily basis can create a huge paradigm shift on your lifestyle for the better.

The wonderful thing is that the healthier and fitter you become, the easier it gets as those right choices just become the habitual 'things YOU do' in life.

What I also tend to see is that those choices that take us AWAY from our goals do so to a lesser degree as they tend to be less destructive choices and with less frequency.


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'