This takes some work, however it can be an eye opener for us on how much time we spend moving and how much time we DON'T.
- Open your stopwatch on your phone
(or grab an old type one!) and start it whenever you are moving in some way
- When you stop, stop it. When you move again, start it
- Make a note at the end of the day of the total time (taking a screenshot is good as you have the date etc tagged on the pic)
- you can run the stopwatch when standing (maybe stand up to work!)
- you
can count stretching etc as movement
Here is the challenge:
Aim to increase your time spent moving by 10% a day for a week
By next Friday you will have increased your movement by
EVERYONE has space to do this with some creativity.
(10% could only be a 15-30 min walk an eve)
The impact on your mindset, body, stress levels and sleep quality is momumental with more movement in your day.
Remember yesterday's email
about learning and challenging your brain? Give it something like this to focus on today.
Every journey starts with one step. That step could just be a decision to start this..
Send me your stopwatch screenshots, make yourself accountable!
P.S. Currently researching starting up an online nutrition and PT option to our coaching..let us know if interested!