Do this before anything else..daily!

Published: Fri, 08/07/15


Creating time for yourself is vital for wellbeing, stress management and productivity.

We know this but do we do it enough? We have two small Tornadoes disguised as children living with us so our answer is often a 'no!'.

However, trying to create half and hour or even an hour every morning to do something for you before someone or something else's agenda comes along and stops you doing what you NEED to do.

What you do in this time is up to you: read a book, hit the gym or a class, go for a walk (this is dynamite BTW) or just sit quietly in the garden.
We are realistic, this is really difficult to pull off, however what you gain in clarity of thought and focus will more than make up for any time away from the days tasks as you will catch up regardless.

Some tips to get you started:
  • set your alarm earlier, you will adjust over time...of course this means getting to bed earlier, and this is a really good thing
  • write a list of ONLY 3 things you must get done tomorrow the night before, you will process these over night so won't spin round your head when trying to get your time to yourself in the morning. Start on these straight after your time out and go nowhere near anything else until these are done
  •  have things ready the night before e.g. gym clothes, book out ready, so you get reminded as soon as you get up
  • get all work kit, bags, clothes or kids stuff ready the night before, don't give yourself an excuse to launch into the day instead of your time out
  • diarise this time in your calendar, let everyone know that this is your time
This is 's HOUR OF POWER! Guard it and cherish it as it will pay more dividends than you can possibly imagine,


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741
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