Why our health journey is like driving in London...

Published: Fri, 07/24/15


I'm 'enjoying' a day driving to several appointments across London today..

My day job is a Sales Manager, so I push 20,000 miles a year. Often to the same places again and again and often to new places that I have never been too in areas where the roads are intense!

Without my Sat Nav and experience I would be a nervous wreck...

Imagine the amount of effort, fear of the unknown and time it took for the explorers of old that created the famous map below:
Our own health journey takes us not from A to B but A to Z..via b,c,d,e,f,g and so on.

It is never linear as we have to make mistakes and learn from then, work round obstacles and find what we like to do by trial and error.

Some parts of the city that used to terrify me are now nothing to worry about as I have been there once, twice, three times before. The Sat Nav helps me with first visit and then its just there as a reminder in time.

Finding our path in fitness and nutrition is just like this..

Good research, authentic coaches and people who have trodden the path before you are your map/ sat nav. They take you where you want to go BUT it is then over to you to get involved and do the hard work.

Also, just like how driving in a new city or becoming an accomplished Mariner,  we learn behaviours and templates of rules and techniques that then help us in unfamiliar territories e.g. how to spot an upcoming filter lane correctly or spot a rock formation by the colour of the water.

Learning all new habits is a difficult pattern interrupt, it is natural to be nervous and apprehensive.....however it is also important to feel the fear and do it anyway

Find  your path!


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741
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