We live in a fast world.
Most of us know that fast food = poor nutrition
However, did you know that by increasing the length of time it takes us to eat a meal could actually see us
losing 15-20 lbs of fat over a year?
(Obviously eating REAL food is a given)
As our bodies break down our food from the moment it gets into our mouths, the delicate balance of hormones begins to change...but this takes time.
Satiety hormones increase as we process our food, however this takes at least 20 minutes.
Therefore, could taking time to chew smaller mouthfuls and taking more time to eat a
good meal mean that we stop when we are naturally full as we give our hormones a chance to catch up?
There are more and more studies emerging which suggest this. Those of us with kids probably notice this too, they eat slower, enjoy each mouthful and will stop when full..EVEN when a dessert is concerned!
Not to mention that more time at the table = more time with the family. This can reduce stress as you connect
Try having a go at slowing your meals down.
A well practiced trick by nutritionists is to get a client to eat 10 raisins (or any small fruit or veg) over 10 minutes. We've tried this and were surprised how full you can actually feel on such a small amount of food PLUS we noticed how each raisin tasted was enhanced. It will remind you of how you used to eat as a child and is a real eye opener.
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