Use the power of WHY...

Published: Sun, 07/05/15


'Find your WHY'

The difference between success and failure is often down to accountability.

Working out just to have big biceps or a six pack is pretty lame compared to the top 5 reasons we hear from our clients:

- To spend time with loved ones later in life...not time in hospital and waiting rooms.
- To be strong for life and have energy all day long to be the best husband/wife/parent/boss they can be.
- To not hurt anymore.
- To be ready to fight any disease that comes their way.
- To THRIVE not just SURVIVE

These all have one thing in common, they are deep set and valued reasons that often involve looking after oneself for the good of others...accountability.

Find your WHY, write it down and put it somewhere you will see it often. Make it the centre point of every decision you make every day with regards to fitness and nutrition.

Spend as much time as you can really imagining what it will feel like to be an active 80/90/100 year old. Feel the emotion when you see your grandchildren marry..and they are busting shapes with you on the dance floor at their wedding reception.

At the other end, if you have a destructive habit you are trying to break really get into where that could take you e.g. look into what emphysema does to you if you smoke or try and imagine how it will feel to not be able to walk to the bedroom unassisted. Mine is I imagine my boys having to say goodbye to me way before I get a chance to watch their kids grow up (and they have to work hard to keep up with me!). We are driven my emotions so really go deep here. Your WHY should make you CRY.

Tell everyone what you are doing, get support and guidance from a professional...the more people there for you the more you will succeed. Text your trainer or a friend when you start lagging...a friendly word from someone who cares gets you out there in no time.

Get this right and the pain of NOT getting off the sofa and getting to the gym will soon outweigh the 'pleasure' of staying put and doing nothing. After every work out, good decision  and healthy meal take time to note how much better you feel...remember that feeling when those excuses to not get out and do something start creeping in!

Find that WHY,


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741
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