Feel your way to fitness...

Published: Tue, 07/07/15


Learning how to take note of energy levels, mood, pain and general well being are a huge part of making any changes for the better.

If you 'feel' like some chocolate after a long day, of course it could help your mood then and there...however, taking note on how tired and sluggish you feel the NEXT morning, and comparing the two, is a good way to make that mental change to make the right choices next time.

Do you feel like a workout? The difference between the barrage of excuses to not get at it...and actual physical tiredness, illness or injury that will hold you back, are very different when you tune into your body.

The more we move our bodies the more energy we get

Focus your workout and strength training on how it makes you feel afterwards...NOT how many calories you have 'burnt'.

Is the most successful 'diet' you've ever tried the one on which you felt the most miserable, hungry and therefore wasn't sustainable?

A clear destination is key to making a change...

...... however what is more important is that are all the small changes that you are making every minute of the day making you FEEL better?

Keep the energy high,


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741
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