Success lies in being patient and playing the long game.
In my opinion being patient with ourselves is often the hardest to do.
If I was as hard on my clients as I've sometimes been
on myself I probably would be a very lonely PT.
Rome wasn't built in a day and all that..
Fat mass usually took a long time to build can take a frustratingly long time to lose. See Saturday's email for the most effective use of your training time to do this.
Even with the perfect nutritional strategy, excellent exercise programming and plenty of sleep, the body can be really slow to make changes in the
beginning. It is primed in our genes to resist change as that can often signal a threat i.e. reduction in calories could possibly trigger holding onto fat, as our bodies assume a food shortage.
Perseverance and compliance will ensure your success in good time...but it is never as quick as some of the claims out there in the 'diet' and fitness world.
Put effort into training for strength, which will get you strong and
improve posture. Training your muscles also increases the blood vessels and mitochondria within them, more of these equals more energy for you. This improves your metabolic engine, increases your energy levels, balances hormones, manages blood sugar levels and makes your body name a few benefits.
Having the mindset that you are in this for life will keep you on track....muscle is the 'currency of youth ' so this should be your priority over fat loss every
Be Patient,