Release your inner Bruce Lee...

Published: Thu, 06/18/15


‘Research your own experience 
Absorb what is useful
 Reject what is useless
Add what is specifically your own’

Bruce Lee

Bruce Lee was a phenomenal athlete and this famous quote is probably one of the reasons why...

Applying it to your health, fitness and nutrition can lead to a laser guided process that you are in control of.

Lets break it down to how we use it in coaching:

You have all heard of the studies that scientists do on a number of people, otherwise known as n=the number of people i.e. a study on 100 people is n=100. Not all studies are created equal and can be flawed and sometimes guided towards the researchers biases. The media headlines then produce the best spin in this to sell newspapers! Other studies are trailblazing and can save lives.

Success lies in finding what works for you, fits to your lifestyle and that you can do for the rest of your life without effort. Filter out what doesn't strategically.

Create your own 'experiment' on yourself as an n=1:
  1. Choose ONE thing ONLY to try out for this week i.e. walking more, running, or even just a promise to drink more water.
  2. As Bruce says, research what interests you, and feels right, as much possible and make this the 'project' for this week.
  3. At the end of the week, see what impact it has had on energy levels, body comp and mood.
  4. If it works for you, absorb it, if it doesn't reject it and find the next project.
  5. Above all make it your own and add/ tweak everything to suit you.
  6. go to 1. With a new change^^^
You really can start anywhere when researching health. Everyone's path is different and when we find one good subject that jives with you and go deep into it. Jump down the rabbit hole and see where it takes you. 

Think forward to where a continuous repetition of the above will take you. By finding what works for you and, most importantly, you believe will over time produce a very solid foundation of good habits tailored to you and upgrade yourself.

Hiring a good coach/PT/Nutritionist etc can accelerate this process as we can help guide you in the right direction. A good one will listen intently and provide info that works with YOU, not what worked for them or something they are affiliated too. 

Adherance to any change is where the magic lies. Research done in a the sphere of behaviour change has shown that giving someone one thing to focus on at any one time has an 85% success rate, two things a 35% success rate and three things lower that 10%. 

Just one thing a week equals 52 good habits started a year..not bad right?

Stay focused,


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741
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