Changing your body puts you in the driving seat..

Published: Sat, 08/31/19


Tim Ferriss in his book the 4 hour body, came up with this quote:

'Changing your body puts YOU in the driving seat of life'

Making those small changes that lead to the big successes opens doors to more successes.

If someone proves to themselves that they can lose 10kg of fat mass then it opens the floodgates to go after other things in life they had previously accepted as UN-changeable.

I am always astounded with the impact the smallest fat loss amount or increase in deadlift numbers can have a ripple effect right through someone's life.

That tiny flicker of power from deep inside someone as they change something they always believed UN-changeable starts a process that, if consistently followed, transforms everyone it touches

We all know the positive side effects of being stronger, eating well and having energy, however, below are some of the 'side effects' that I noticed myself and have heard so many clients describe in their own way:
  • more people notice them. Not necessarily due to a leaner frame, due to the way they 'carry' themselves.
  • more people ask their advice, maybe due to the obvious successful change they have made but maybe due to a new twinkle in their eye
  • life gets easier. From how you move unhindered as every joint and muscle is more mobile to the extra energy you have to get going when someone asks 'Can you GO!'
  • much less mental bandwidth on worrying about how we LOOK that we can apply to what we DO
  • less focus on clothes or cosmetics as confidence increases...what are we masking with these?
  • more mental space to be present with the person or persons you are with as less mental energy on underlying health worries
  • the bigger our success 'bank' the less daunting big changes become. The big things become the small things, leaving space for even more successes
  • the whole process becomes exciting and gather momentum as we go...NEVER give up
Overall, we can create a personal culture of constant positive change.

Learning every day about how we react to situations that hold us back and our toolbox on how to keep on course improves with every lesson learnt.


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'