So, why should I lift weights then?

Published: Sun, 08/25/19


'Lifting weights will make me bulky'

'I don't like the free weights area'

'I'm not a meathead!'

'won't it hurt?'

Some of the questions us PT's often get from someone just starting on their fitness journey are something along the above lines.

Male and Female.

Gyms really aren't that daunting. The big chunks of iron are just waiting for you to learn how to use them and the people are often the most positive people you will ever meet!

Once you get acclimatised to lifting, it can transform you in many more ways that you can imagine.

Getting help on your form and good coaching on just a few lifts will start you on the right track. You can't rush it so be patient.

Somehow it is incredibly addictive once you get involved.

Hate the gym? You don't actually necessarily need any of the funky equipment at all..bodyweight exercises still use resistance/ weight. That or having a few bits at home can do a great job.

Your body doesn't know if you are using the most expensive, bright red kettlebell, shiniest barbell or the verso-climber. To it a load is a load.

Just find a way to add muscle. Whatever you like to do and you enjoy, do it regularly.

Adding muscle is, simply put, the best thing you can do for your body equal only to good nutrition.
It really does go FAR deeper than how we look. Having the strength in your body to go about life easily is the biggest confidence builder you can ever get:

  1. negative thoughts towards how your body LOOKS will disappear as you realise what it can DO
  2. you will not need to spend time looking for clothes that make you look good as you will realise that all those 'bulky' muscles will fill anything and YOU will make IT look good
  3. chores will be completed faster and easier
  4. you will get less clumsy. Adding strength and mobility give us better spacial awareness 
  5. you can eat fact you will NEED to eat more
  6. what you do eat your body will know how to use it better
  7. load on the body increases strength in EVERYTHING. Osteoporosis is one of the main things reduced
  8. muscle is denser than fat. More muscle means less space for the wobbly bits
  9. focusing on the way your body is getting stronger, rather than looking for the next quick fix, means you can bypass all the time spent reading the '10 ways to lose fat or how Kim Kardashian lost her cellulite' magazine
  10. you will start to realise how much ENERGY a strong body gives you
  11. the door will open to more opportunities as you will have the strength to try a new sport, climb a mountain, surf or simply play with the kids more
  12. the more you use your body under load the more it needs to recover and grow afterwards. Food now becomes a pleasure as you can almost feel it nourishing your body
  13. people who use and challenge their bodies gain confidence....that is probably the most important thing I have learnt as a PT. This impacts EVERYTHING!
  14. lifting weights trumps cardio for the body you 10 times plus!
  15. you get more graceful
  16. you will look better naked
  17. forget stupid fashion and fashion your body: tight bum, shaped legs (yes guys too!) and nice shoulders are the first thing clients notice. Soon after that worry of the scale weight will disappear
  18. physical strength creates mental strength. Knowing that that you can lift some serious weight cuts out lots of feelings of inadequacy. Nightmare day, go lift some weight and tell me you don't feel better!
  19. Your muscles will be there to hold your posture, stop you from falling over and reducing the need for joints to be replaced in 20/30/40 years or so. Is there anything more important than that to prepare for your later years?

And the ultimate one! 

YOU will look younger

Whilst our bodies are improving through stimulation of load, positive growth occurs everywhere.

Biological processes occur balancing hormones, improving how everything interacts and performs, almost as a by product of building strength and mobility

Building muscle takes time, consistent effort and it is hard work. However, always remember that EVERY ounce of effort you put into your fitness you get a return on. 

Think about that...EVERY ounce of effort!

Not or many other things in life like that is there?!

Make friends with your muscles ;-)


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'