How a big lift feels...

Published: Sat, 07/20/19


If you only wanted to do one exercise for the rest of your life and nothing else, it is the Deadlift you should do..
The deadlift is a lift when you lift this up and put it down again, it builds phenomenal strength and strong muscles....but it is SO much more than this!
  • you step to the bar, heart rate rises as you know you are about to attempt to lift your heaviest weight yet
  • both feet tuck underneath, you need perfect alignment in the middle of the bar
  • you bend down and grab the bar, making sure no skin is between bar and fingers
  • you grip the bar, knowing that it is this that will need to be stronger than ever for a good 15 seconds
  • bringing your hips down as you fill your lungs with air
  • shoulders over the bar and tightly packed back, with a squeeze of all your torso muscles so tight that you can feel the pressure stabilising the vertebrae of the spine
  • pushing your heels into the ground, you know that the first 6 inches are the most important...this is where others fail
  • mental grit takes over, this is where the bar comes up past the knees
  • your Glutes squeeze forward as your shoulders power back...trying with every ounce of your strength to keep your chest up
  • the bar rises up your thighs to your waist as you notice the look of power and surprise on your face
  • you return the bar to the floor...close to the body

The rush of endorphins, the 'buzzing' from EVERY muscle on the back of your body proves to you that you have got stronger.

The lightheaded feeling is energy coursing through your body.

EVERY muscle in the posterior part of your body has been challenged.

The strength gains in your back muscles counteract all the time spent at a desk this week.

Every weak joint in your body gets supported from the gains in strength you have achieved.

Even later in the evening your body is still thanking you, you feel fulfilled, empowered and invincible!

Building a strong body takes effort and can be repetitive and takes you to the boundaries of your breaking point.

Getting excited about each lift and exercise (as I clearly did above!) gets us in sync with our bodies and encourages us to do more.

It IS for everyone...and pays dividends that you will capitalise on for the rest of your life.

Resistance training of any sort is the secret to being mobile into old age.

Put the work in now and reap the benefits in your 70's/80's and beyond!

Don't take my word for it, try it!

James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'