Are you an all or nothing person?

Published: Mon, 07/01/19


Are you an all or nothing person?

Do you realise it is cold and the turn the dial on the car heater right to its hottest setting, only to realise that you are far too hot and then turn it right back down again?

Do you do the equivalent of this in your health journey?

  • go 100% at a new exercise program yet drop off compliance after a few weeks as it is 'too much' or uses too much energy?
  • create too high a deficit in calories only to rebound when the opportunity and temptation appear?
  • apportion too much guilt on yourself so as to end up being far too hard on yourself for a minor mishap?
  • expect immediate results despite knowing that if it took this long to get to where you are it means a long steady process back?

Patience, consistency and trust in the process are the mainstay of success.

Or, to put it another way, a kick ass half is better than a half-assed whole!

Just like a set of reps in an exercise need the correct resistance to maintain form for the desired number. Too heavy and you come in short, too light and you get no adaptation of the muscles.

Peak too early and we come in short..big problem if we do this in life!

Just as we should tweak the heating and trust it to level off just where we want it, finding that sweet spot where we have enough resolve to maintain the discipline needed to stay the course wins every time


Absolutely not! 

Remember the tortoise and the hare?


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'