Life in the 'U bend'...

Published: Mon, 06/24/19


No..this isn't an email about toilets!

It is about natural balance................

Life, energy, molecules and temperature all centre back to a balance point after being knocked out of whack by something.

Similar to the pendulum I talked about in a recent email our minds, bodies and even life itself will always be happiest at the bottom of a U shaped path.

Just like a marble in a U shaped finds the perfect balanced lowest point.

I've heard physicists use this analogy for the charges of atoms, biologists for the balance of concentration of fluids in osmosis and psychologists with regard to the balance of our brain chemistry, thoughts and mood.

Just like a marble in a U tube it will find the centre..add in more marbles and it will balance all of them from the centre up...perfectly sharing the load.

How do we feel when our environment changes without warning?

  • We we feel unbalanced, until we can get it clear in our heads..
  • We feel stressed until things are put in place...

These changes may be exactly what we need in life. They are exciting and scary and it's a journey that helps us grow.

However, if we are out of balance when it happens then we feel overwhelmed and stressed...I think we have all been there and experienced this feeling!

It is like our U tube is tilted or misshapen so the marbles stack up wrong and off balance.

So, what can we do to be ready for these changes so our marbles are in the right place?

How can we ensure we have mental space to take on these challenges?

Do we really know when we are out of balance or what causes us to be so?

One of the first things we work through with clients is establishing a baseline or benchmark of where they are now and how they got there.

What energy, pain and knowledge levels are their reality?

Is this point at the bottom of the U shaped curve,,,,,,or is it unbalanced, misshapen or tilted out of balance?

How many marbles are in your U bend?

Are there so many that the load on the centre is just too much?

Could you strip back a few things so that the effect of what is left becomes easier to spot the benefits and improvements or negative effects?

Are you adding, or holding onto, too many marbles?

With less things to think about (less marbles) the centre point will be easier to find and with less pressure.

The more less confused or overwhelmed we are the better condition that U bend is.

Even if knocked off balance we slide quickly and easily back to a nice balanced centre..

Go after things that hold you back, are negative or out of date for the new you...systematically SIMPLIFY your life, one thing at a time.

Cancel out the noise and focus on finding that can't do it all at once, so make those things you do have to do balance up, and keep your centre point in line...

LOSE those marbles!


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'