When a baby elephant starts it's training, the tamers will tie it to a pole with a sturdy piece of rope.
Of course it struggles....but eventually it will stop struggling when it realises it is futile.
When fully grown, the tamers can also tie the same elephant up with the same size pole and rope. The elephant will not try and break free, even though it easily could.
It has learnt helplessness...we do it too.
How many times have you caught yourself saying:
'I shouldn't do [INSERT SCARY ACTIVITY] because of my knee/ back/ shoulder/age etc'?
Of course we have injuries we should be aware of, however, I bet we rarely take into account that when we told this it was probably right after an accident, surgery, physio etc....which could be upwards of several YEARS ago?
Why the heck should we still believe this now?
I've lost count how many times I've been told by someone that they shouldn't squat as they have knee issues....only to watch them hit an awesome PB a few weeks later and (ta da!) their knee actually gets better (after a good assessment and gradual build up of strength of course!)
I've done it myself...probably to some degree in every session I train in...shhh.
Our subconscious doesn't distinguish between what we think and what we experience, it views it all as our reality and manages our behaviour accordingly
If we believe this learnt helplessness, we are re-enforcing to our subconscious brain that this is the reality.
Take charge of your own reality by:
- saying ' HELL YES' more
- knowing that your subconscious is like a child that always watches and mirrors what you do and say
- change the word 'can't' to 'will' in all sentences (in your head as well as what you say!)
- encouraging yourself to do new things, just as you would a nervous child
- read more
Should we stop learning and developing just because we have left school, qualified in our career or reached a certain age?
Are we someone who had education 'done' to them and not tried to learn anything past school/ college....
....or are we someone who knows that they will be a better person tomorrow than they are today, because the are still learning?
How many people do we know from school that stopped learning too early...where are they now?
Our success in anything is down to our ability to learn a new subject well.
It is a sad fact that ALL professions are losing 30% of the work force EVERY year as technology develops.
The 70% that will keep their jobs will be those that make themselves valuable by using the greatest asset they have...their ability to always be learning.
Make sure you are learning the right info!
'Do or do not, there is no try'
When I find myself hesitating or moving away from a goal or challenge I stop and tell myself 'pattern interrupt' which gives me a kick start to move to the right direction.
Be self aware of everything you say, think or do and try hard to interrupt those patterns you spot that take you away from your awesomeness!