Do you feel great every day?

Published: Mon, 05/20/19


Who doesn't want to feel great right? seems that only a very low section of the population actually does want it enough!

Is it because 'prevention' is hard work and a bit boring


Spending time on preparing yourself physically and mentally is essential in building a mobile, energy rich, body and powerful mind that perform well on your quest to thrive as a human being.

Do you invest in your:
  • mobility and flexibility?
  • family and friends?
  • mind?
  • CV fitness?
  • learning?
  • gut health?
  • strength?

....on a daily basis?

If not, why not?

I know people that are pretty hard on themselves if they miss too many training sessions, forget to stretch every morning, work too much....or let too much junk food sneak in.

These are the people that do get the best results.

Obviously we need to make sure we are not putting unnecessary stress on ourselves, however we need to regularly kick our ass into touch and get out there and do the work.

We need to take ACTION!

When I was off centre on my health, I was lucky enough to have a 'person' who:
  • takes care of all my mistakes
  • does the exercise to lose the fat I've put on from a few too many days on the take away
  • catches up work I've not done last minute (and shoulders the stress)
  • will be the one who has to listen to that bad news from the Doctor in a few years
I could rest assured that it will be fine, as this person would (hopefully!) take care of all the bad stuff for me.

This person was 'Future James'!

However....the day I started showing him some respect, taking action and doing some prep work for him was the day everything fell into place on my own fitness journey.

90 year old 'Future James' will be giving his two boys worry when the nursing home are calling to say he has disappeared on a 10km run, again.

The wobbly bits we worry about now will be a minor thing in 30/40/50 years.

Strong bones, good muscle mass, low injury rate and a definite lack of Zimmer Frame action is built on what you do every day NOW.

Don't ever feel guilty about time spent looking after yourself.

After all, how can you be the best to all the special people in your life if you are in pain, kranky and with low energy?

Everyone is busy and time is a premium, just do the best you can (with a little bit extra on top)

Look after FUTURE

James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'