We all have people or things that depend on us..and people who we depend on.
Thats a lot of dependency flowing about..and it is positively vital. As an incredibly social animal we need this ebb and flow.
Across the week I have close to 100 people depending on me at various levels. If I don’t show up as the best version of myself I’m letting them down.
There is a ratio of dependency and being dependable, so is there a finite amount of dependancy ‘energy’ we have in reserve across the day?
I found myself thinking about this one day when I got home from a busy morning and ‘had’ to have a coffee before we went out for the afternoon.
So..I needed a coffee and was depending on that to get me out the door..
I used to depend on alcohol to quell a bit of social anxiety on a night out..
I used to depend on a cigarette to break up a busy work day..
What if, me being dependant on these things used up ‘dependency energy’?
What if this meant that I less to give out?
I have quit alcohol, cigarettes and in light of the above, doing the hardest thing EVER and giving up coffee.
And yes, I DO have more space, energy and time to be depended on as I don’t need to divert to get my coffee anymore.
This has set me on a mini mission. Could I get to the point where the only THINGS I needed was the essentials...sleep, shelter, water, air and food.
Could this give me MORE for the people that rely on me?
Put resource in having experiences instead of things...
I know for sure, after 14 years, that life for me without alcohol or cigarettes has propelled my personal and professional life far more than if I’d have stayed on the previous course.
Weekends spent being alert and on study instead of a hangover.