Its all a matter of perspective..

Published: Sat, 04/06/19


Out on my morning run I regularly run past a chap I see every day out in his wheelchair along the canal...surrounded by the happiest bunch of dogs I've ever seen.

He is out there whatever the weather.

Every time he sees me he says 'well done' and says I'm doing great.

It should be the other way round so (as always) I tell him likewise.

He is out with his dogs being cheerful at 5:30am, and I'm pretty certain he is out there every day.

I start my runs usually thinking about all the backlog of tasks I need to do that day...and finish it in a totally better mood thanks to one chap!

Sometimes when I'm wanting to stay in bed and be slow I think about this chap...he will be out there...then so shall I!

We find that these little 'triggers' or thoughts that get us 'up and out' are the small habits that create a huge lifestyle change when put together across the day/ month/ year  

Kim and I are constantly studying, it's one of the benefits of having your passion and hobby as your 'job'.

Part of this research is listening to interviews and bios of really successful people to try and de-construct what it is that makes them great.

A few things crop up time and again:
  • always have time to yourself to breathe, exercise, meditate or just be quiet..every morning (before agendas of others come into your day!)
  • be grateful 
  • abolish guilt (it's a false emotion anyway!)
  • abolish jealousy
  • ban the word 'should' it's one of the most subtly poisonous words in the English language!
  • never criticise
  • recognise that EVERYONE is your superior in some way or other
  • discipline=freedom
Very rarely does the financial aspect come up with regards to true success.

Success means different things to us all of course, although it seems to be that authenticity, respect for others, oneself......and leaving a legacy are where the truely successful people gravitate to.

Above all, time and again, it always crops up that those that have worked hard on themselves deep within wth regards to mindset, nurturing gratitude and are always learning, seem to then have more to give others.

What could you try for this week? 

Pick something you feel you could do better or a limiting factor that holds you back.

My friend on the trails clearly has this covered!

Just thinking about it starts a change within. If you find yourself 'sweating the small stuff'...maybe try re-aligning the energy into working on ourself and learning?


PS We have many new subscribers over the last few months so we wanted to welcome you. Also, to say thanks to everyone for being out there, and we hope we add a little something to your life!

Please hit reply if want more of something, less of something or just to say Hi!

James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'