Conditions, OR your decisions?

Published: Fri, 03/22/19


Mustering up the get up and go to start something is often really hard work. 
We all have a million things to do..and therefore the same number of reasons to not follow an exercise plan.

  • Not enough time
  • Not enough energy
  • I need to be at work
  • I must do these emails

All these 'conditions' can provide a good reason for us not to get out and do something.

However, when you really think about is our DECISION to not exercise/ eat well/sleep well:

'We are a function of our decisions NOT our conditions'

We decide to get angry

We decide to be happy

We decide to be successful in our health journey. is the kicker...

WE decide to NOT be successful in our health journey.

No conditions will stop us doing what we DECIDE to do!

Becoming aware of how our decisions control our lives is a huge step to opening the change gates!

You are blessed with self awareness, us humans are the only animal (or at least we think so) that can view itself from afar and make a decision to act differently then and there

Just as our bodies adapt constantly to the forces we put on them, so do our minds.

Why should we stay the same?

How many times have you said to yourself 'that's how I do things' or 'that's just the way I am'

These are decisions...

Could we decide not to decide these things?

In my line of work I see people challenge their paradigms every day.

All it takes is one little spark of successful change and before we know it this one little change has spread to all aspects of someone's life.

Anyone can do it and it happens for anyone that decides it is time..

Decision comes from Latin and means 'to cut off'.

The choice is made and the path we don't take is gone.

Where will that path lead then?!

Anyone includes BTW!


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'