If we brush our teeth twice a day why don't we do this?

Published: Sat, 05/02/20


Keeping mobile should be as much as a priority and daily occurrence as brushing your teeth!

There is emerging research to suggest that the mechanic stress caused by sitting 6/7 hrs a day is nearly as much of a killer as smoking.

Actually there is a bit more to it than that..it is more staying on one position for more than 30-40 minutes without moving that we should avoid.

I sometimes have to spend time at a desk, so I get up and move every 45 minutes for 10 to 15 minutes. This involves foam rolling, stretching or hanging from something.

Returning to work after this quick 'mobility break' also really resets your concentration

During a long meeting I even pretend to need a trip to the Gents so I can go for a walk and a quick stretch. Either that or stand up in the meeting room...my colleagues are used to my antics by now!

When working at home I have a stand up desk. Also, I was finding I wasn't getting into the garage where I am setting up a gym enough...therefore the obvious answer (in our last house where we had a garage) was to move the office into the gym!

I even incorporate my training into my work:

  1. 20 emails
  2. 30 Kettlebell swings
  3. 3 spreadsheets
  4. go for a walk and make all my calls
  5. More emails ( I get a lot!)
  6. kick kids that have sneaked in out of garage (when do these school hols finish again?!)
  7. 10 x Ring chin ups
  8. 10 x Ring dips
  9. etc etc

Obviously I've built up to this and as a PT I have all the kit, however there are still lots of body weight exercises you could add into those 10 min of movement just on the floor.

Your tight shoulders, hips, arm, wrists and back can be caused by INactivity not activity...our bodies crave constant movement...or everything falls apart!

Start small and build up as you go, a great start is to just try to challenge yourself to move every joint in your body round in 4 smooth and wide circles at some point in the day e.g. wrists, neck, hips, ankles. 

This really should be as automatic and frequent as brushing our teeth!

Become a mobility 'fidget'!


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

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