School of hard knocks?

Published: Sat, 05/09/20


We learnt lots at school didn't we?

When we think back, were the lessons we remember from a text book or from experiences?

Who were your best teachers?

The strict one that followed the curriculum directly and made you learn a textbook parrot fashion...... or the 'nutty' one who kept all you crazy teenagers entertained with humorous, emotional or downright scary stories and anecdotes?

What did we learn socially about fitting into groups, how to be liked and how cruel kids can be?

So, lessons that stick with us are from the hard knocks or emotionally charged situations right?

I remember vividly the classes with my Biology teacher, Mrs Preece, where she would talk candidly about hormones, growing as a person and how the feelings we were having as all this happened was nothing but our bodies being a biological entity and ALL OF IT was totally normal.

Of course no one listened at the time, however I am sure what she told us stuck with us when we needed it most.

She was VERY strict, scary and was famous for it.

We hated her lessons one minute and then were transfixed the next...

She was a fantastic role model and I think, in fact I KNOW, there is 1000's of adults out there that have excelled in life due to her pearls of wisdom.

She delved right into our souls with crazy stories and anecdotes as she bounced about the classroom!

I've yet to see a better motivation speaker since.

In ten years of training people, hands down the ones that have got the best results are the ones that dig deep into the reasons they are where they are.

I've been hugged, cried on, yelled at and sworn is wonderful.

When we hit a hard situation or obstacle in life or our health journey, running for cover is sometimes the opposite of what we should do.

Feel like all this effort is going nowhere...

...hang in there, it will...and it is!

The 'highlight reel' we see of others successes as they (seemingly) effortlessly strip fat and gain muscle is often missing the 'lowlights' that are actually what others need to see and hear to help them keep on track.

We ALL struggle with our health.

We ALL have ups and downs.

Get angry, excited and motivated all at the same time!

That time you get in the gym, outside for a walk, a swim or a cycle is YOUR time..enjoy every second of it as you are doing great

Make how this time makes you feel stick with you

Every time you move you body you are giving it what it needs.

Squeeze every morsel of activity out of your may not notice the positive adaptations for years..your body will instantly so remember that always!


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'