can we think ourselves out of problems?

Published: Tue, 04/28/20


'The significant problems we face today cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them'

This quote from Einstein is probably the most powerful thing to grasp as we progress
through life.

We are the only animal on earth (as far as we know) that has self awareness and the ability to change our thinking, and therefore our behaviour at such a deep level.

Do you ever hear your self think or say such things as?:
  • I'm not really a...
  • I don't really do...
  • I've never been good at..
  • I can't
What we are really saying is that we WON'T do something.

Next time someone asks you to do something slightly outside your comfort zone try replying with 'I won't....' instead of 'I can't' and see the reaction.

WON'T is much more final and will seem almost awkward in conversation.

Of course there will absolutely be things we won't do, and it will feel right to say so.

However, try stopping yourself just before the 'I can't' comes out.... and just say:

'hell yeah, I will give it a go'

Have you ever been so pleased that you started something, even though your initial reaction was to start talking and thinking yourself out of it, yet you did it anyway?

Me too, many times!

Has anyone else noticed that the things you do on a daily basis now are things that 10 years ago would have made you nervous?

Me too....every day!

Think back to those little things that seemed like huge problems when we were crazy easy would they be to deal with now?

What would we tell our 16 year old self? (although I doubt we would listen though!)

Our thinking has evolved with us to a certain extent.

Just as we can improve our bodies with training we can train our thinking too.

A large step is becoming aware of our thoughts and behaviours, almost as if we are observing each thought and emotion from a distance.

We can then build in a pause at each situation or decision, like a built in reality check.

We can then choose to be PROactive in our thinking and improve with experience and action, rather than Reactive where we let our environment, other people and situations manage our thinking.
Make it a mission to really think about your thinking...

James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'