You already own the most amazing 'machine' there is..

Published: Mon, 04/27/20


We all like nice things. 

Cars, computers, watches, houses, etc....

However, have you ever stopped to think how absolutely incredible our bodies are?

I often get funny looks from clients when I go off on one about how excited I am about the changes they are making in their bodies.

Standing from where I do I see people change their entire presence in a few weeks as the development of posture, muscle mass and strength takes hold.

It is them growing from the inside and it is beautiful to watch...

  • The human brain is the most advanced supercomputer in the known universe with an INFINITE learning capacity
  • Our hands can pick up a weight heavier than we are and then be so gentle when we cuddle our children or loved ones
  • 206 bones and over 600 large muscles allow a symmetry of movement as we walk across a room that a mountain of computers and scientists wouldn't even be able to replicate or document
  • Our body heals itself constantly
  • We can go from a complete stop to full speed in an instant with energy to spare

We only get ONE body/ brain/chance!

Maybe the reality is that we service our cars, walk our dogs, clean our house and balance our finances often in priority over looking after the most beautiful piece of hardware you will ever 'own'.

The fact it is so amazing at healing itself could be why we are where we are?

If it was less of an adaptive machine, wouldn't we be quicker to do the maintenence work? 

Do the preparation needed, think forward 5 years, and assess where you are heading daily.. nice to your body and mind.

Ever wonder why some people can get out every day to run, or go to the gym on cold winter mornings? 

They are in tune with the above

The effort will reap rewards twofold ;-)

James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'