Are you inefficient?

Published: Thu, 04/30/20


We all like to be efficient and get a good return of investment from our time.

However, when it comes to fat loss, strength development and cardiovascular training, Dan John (America's top strength coach IMO) highlights that inefficiency is needed in most things we do when it comes to development and improvement.
Of course, athletic feats and performance need efficiency, stamina, injury avoidance and longevity, yet to get to a high level we need to train and practice against the tough mistress of inefficiency to breakthrough our training goals.

Something I tell myself at every training session is that the only way to improve is to push as hard as I can, just at the limit of my capabilities for that day.

I also remember that fitness and health is unique in that we get a POSITIVE return in our bodies from EVERY effort we make.

The bigger the effort the bigger the return

(within safe boundaries of course)

We all know the type of activity that gets us really smoked.

Clue: Its the one that is furthest away from the specific activities you do.

  • I can lift heavy stuff and run a 45 min 10Km..yet I'm destroyed after 45 minutes on the dance floor.
  • I can cycle pretty far..yet can only manage 10 lengths in a swimming pool.

Therefore flipping this around the fact that an activity is really hard should be the driving force to you doing MORE of it. 

The less efficient our bodies are at doing a move or activity the MORE energy we expend in the process which increases metabolic activity.

Evolution has given us a system that drives us to conserve energy and hunt out the most calorific food.

Good survival tactic!

However, we also had to use that conserved energy to forage, hunt, escape from things with teeth, build, swim and walk miles for water.

These days we can order food from our phones and are SURROUNDED by highly calorific food...see the problem anyone?

We really do get what we put into training back in equal measures so remember this and the fact you have to battle your environment and evolutionary drive to get into the gym

We do fail from time to time to get out there and do something so with the above in mind...NEVER feel guilty!

However, try to use this uphill battle as a training tool that, positioned right, can work directly to make you stronger and healthier!

James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

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