'Goldilocksing' our habits for results...

Published: Wed, 04/29/20



Yes, a totally made up word of course, however I have heard it used many times out there in the fat loss/ muscle gain sphere.

Balancing out our habits to find the sweet spot of intensity that works for us is the mainstay of successful, sustainable health
Goldilocks tried three bowls of porridge until she found the temperature that was right for her, just as we should try new habits to different levels until the chance of adherence is a 10 out of 10.

She then went on to try all the chairs and beds until she was so content she fell asleep...

We all look for that silver bullet that will be the next best thing that will help us lose that fat mass, take us to the next level of strength of help us sleep better and suchlike.

Clever marketing will lead us to believe that a companies ONE product or product range will be the only thing we need for success.

Maybe I'm a sceptical PT that has seen so many fitness and nutrition crazes and theories come and go that I'm simple numb to it?

Actually....I believe in ANYTHING that helps someone GENUINELY AND SUSTAINABLY move towards their goals.

Unless it is a complete scam...buyer beware there is plenty of this about!

I DON'T believe that it can be the one thing and one thing only.

It is why deep in our company values we only suggest or recommend products that we use ourselves and trust...never with an affiliation or bias.

We also change our minds as we are on a journey too, and at the same time respect where others are with their beliefs.

There is no ONE silver bullet...try to think more a shotgun approach of LOTS of tiny silver pellets!

A holistic, well rounded and consistent approach, made up of MANY things that work for you as an individual is where success lies

Something we put across in our emails seems a bit out there for you at your current stage? No bother, just 'Goldilocks' it!
  1. Open the mind
  2. What could you try, just to dip your toe in? Be adventurous!
  3. Try it for a few weeks and really focus how it makes you feel or perform
  4. If it works for you...keep doing
For you it may be the small bowl of porridge, the small chair and the little bed..for now!

Next week, feeling the results you may naturally level up and try it a bit more.

If it works for you, there is another tiny silver pellet to add into your lifestyle!

A huge caveat on all these little things to add is that it is really important to make sure the basics are in place first.

Yesterday's email gave you my simple rules to start with as a foundation on your health journey.

If you need to apply the above to these, then absolutely do it.

The time for the little tweaks comes when you have moved on so much it is simply the slight edge you are looking for....

Slow, steady and consistent wins the race!

You can change your mind....otherwise how do we move forwards?

James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'