I fail when I miss the little things...

Published: Wed, 04/22/20


I am an idiot many times a day....

Rushing to get ready for work today (because I pressed snooze too many times) meant I could miss an extra 5 min of cuddles with my boys before I left for a 15 hr day...they will be asleep when I get home.
I even snapped back that I was 'in a rush' after request no.124 coming from the lounge that I 'didn't have time' to pick Marley's water off the table and hand it to him on the sofa!

I realised I was being an idiot and stopped for cuddles...work can wait!

All they wanted was for me to be in the room with them.

Children have it so right, they live right in the moment.

As adults we are always planning the next thing on the agenda whilst doing another thing.

You can't be efficient with the small important things...you need to savour them

This led me to stop as I stepped outside on this beautiful morning to look at the sunrise and take a deep breath. 

This then led me to write this down...

These little things reward us for being alive....notice them!

Small little moments of life are gifted to us every second and we often miss as we scoot on by following a crazy schedule and pattern that we have only ourselves to blame, as we created it.

  • Sleep in late and then shout at the kids because we are rushing to school...done that!
  • Miss a smile from a stranger because we have our phone in our face...done that!
  • Get grumpy at the driver daring to drive at the speed limit in front of us because we are late to a meeting due to a little bit too much messing about in the morning when we should have been getting ready...done that!
  • Wasting energy and time on holding grudges against someone you are convinced is out to get you..but they are simply going about their own business..or even dared to speak the truth to you...done that!
  • Go a whole morning without smiling..done that!
  • Forgot to live in the NOW...done that!
Take some time today to reverse engineer your life. 

Do we add value at least...or make a positive change in the world at best every day?

Do we love what we do?

If we live for vacations and weekends...maybe something is missing?

We are small and only here for a while...isn't taking everything too seriously a bit of a waste?

Could we stop judging others and ourselves?

Could we be more grateful?

We manifest what we think.

Be negative and negative things will find you. 

Be positive and see positivity in EVERYTHING and...well I think you get the picture!

The small things ARE the big things....


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'