How a tiny tip from a Dentist can get us healthier..

Published: Tue, 04/21/20


We all brush our teeth at least twice a day.

How do we remember?
Who told us to and at what age did it become an automatic habit?

It is one of those things that we do and I heard a tip from a Dentist that is also a PT on an interview the other day on how she uses a behaviour 'hack' to ensure her patients remember to floss.

Also uses this on nearly every lifestyle change in her capacity as a PT.

She tells them to floss BEFORE they brush their teeth, every time.

The compliance rate doubles when she applies this as opposed to flossing AFTER brushing.

You are not going to forget to brush your teeth so the fact you can simply add a habit beforehand slots it into the daily routine nicely.
We can apply this to any healthy habit with a bit of planning, focus at first and imagination:

  1. Make a list of things you do every day, without fail
  2. Make a list of the health improving habits you wish to add to your daily routine
  3. Can you pair these up in any way?
  4. Focus on adding one of these every week, or month if a big change

Some things you could try:
  • do calf raises every time you queue for a coffee
  • roll your shoulders every time you indicate in the car
  • practice deep breathing at every red light (this is vital if you suffer from road rage!)
  • do squats, push ups or the plank when you wait for the kettle to boil
  • every time you receive a phone call stand up and stretch
  • every time you make a phone call go out outside for a brief walk
  • do a mobility, stretching program every time you favourite program is on
  • do a hip flexor stretch every time before you sit down on the sofa for a bit
  • before any meal out you must go for a 30 min walk beforehand, earn it!
  • every time you take the rubbish out go far a walk after
The above are some things I've seen clients add in and resulting in really good compliance.

The likelihood of a habit sticking drops off considerably the more things you try and change at once.

Remember, ONE habit at a time!

Have some fun and let us know how you get on!

James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'