How a balloon analogy can help our fitness..

Published: Thu, 04/23/20


We have blown up balloons in the past I'm sure. 

Getting back/ building cardio-vascular fitness is very much like blowing up a new balloon.

It feels like we are working against a resistance and have to put in so much effort just to get any 'stretch' in it. 

The next breath you find it is easier to get to where you did that next CV session would be to get to the previous day's intensity.

Remembering this during that difficult first session back is really important. 

The next session will be easier, the next even more until that poor balloon goes up in one breath.

Plus, we get stronger so when we grab another new balloon..we have the strength to blow this one up in one breath too ;-)

Little by little, our capacity gets stronger...stick at it!


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'