Move well and move often...

Published: Thu, 04/16/20


Hope it's a good day ahead for you all!

People think I'm a fidget. I'm always moving about and, as those of you that spend any time with me will know, there is never a cricket ball, foam roller or golf ball far away. I'll tell you why in a bit...

Our days are filled with things that take our focus away from correcting posture and increasing activity (where are your shoulders right now? Bet you had to adjust!):

- laptops and the dreaded spreadsheets
- 3 hour meetings in weird chairs
- driving
- holding wriggly kids
- heavy laptop bags on a stressful commute

All the movement you do all day makes up what we could call your movement template.

Run through in your mind all the moves you make and loads you carry across an average day...hold that thought...

Now, think about how a leopard or monkey (monkeys are good as we are very much like them!) moves in the wild. They effortlessly move from climbing to rolling to running or to just hanging. 

Now think about a caged monkey or leopard. Depends on the zoo, but it's a well known fact that wild animals live shorter lives and suffer much more illness..let alone breed properly. Google the drooping Dorsal fin on Orca's in captivity and it's all there!

Now think back to YOUR movement template. Of course we have more freedom to move and many of us do very well, however the human body has evolved to move all the time, lift really heavy stuff and constantly adapt to its environment.

Some anthropological Professors are suggesting we re-classify our species from Homo Sapiens to Homo Sapiens Domesticus Fragilis, as we are almost letting convenience and inactivity de-evolve us? Scary huh? 

Can an hour in the gym or at Yoga, football etc counteract this? Of course it can....but only a bit.

Blaming sitting is the new hot topic (sitting is the new smoking etc), however it is not the fact we sit more.According  to some prominant Biomechanists such as Katie Bowman (author of Move Your DNA..fantastic book BTW), it is the time spent inactive in ANY position or a repeated activity without variation.

- sitting for over 30 min or so without moving
- standing still for 30 min
- running too far without resting

The suggested answer is movement variety. If sitting, stand, if standing sit on the floor, go for a walk and then climb kids play, they can teach us so much! 

Finding imaginative ways of adding in stretching, mobility work and movement is not only fun it can be empowering to be reclaiming your are some ideas:

- get a standing desk, or an adjustable work station
- fall in love with a foam roller 
- use a golf ball under your feet to massage all those sore bits
- learn body weight exercises that you can do anywhere (more on these later..)
- find trigger points in your day where you focus on correcting posture e.g. In the car, every time you indicate pull your shoulder blades back and down..the only limit is your imagination here so play with it!
- have a tennis ball in the car to roll about between your shoulder blades whilst driving (take care please!)
- set a timer on your phone to go off every 30 min telling you to move
- save up your phone calls and then go for a walk to make them all
- walk to speak to people in the office, don't email (this will freak them out!)
- if lucky enough to work at home, have a foam roller handy or hang a suspension trainer in the office
- challenge yourself to go for a 30 min walk every day. Early morning walks can actually get you going more than an extra 30 min in bed!
- learn a good mobility program..if want one emailed to you drop me a note and I will oblige

In summary challenge yourself to increase your movement template little by little. 

Keep fidgeting!


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741
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